Sensitive Soul

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Illness and Fear

Ok, I dont mean to be morbid in my title, but the two seem to go together these days. At least for me.
All this talk about H1N1 has people paranoid. It's on TV, in messages we get at work and now I have papers coming in the mail. I am sure our rulers and medical professionals mean well, but they are going to cause more fear than anything else.

I woke up Monday morning with my whole body acheing. I thought nothing of it, besides the fact that I worked too hard on Sunday around the yard cleaning things up before the snow started (*gasp* I didn't mean to say the s word)!! Anyways, I took the day off to recuperate and relax my acheing muscles.
But when I woke up on Tuesday morning, things had gotten worst. My whole body ached, a different ache, and I was coughing like mad. I had a fever. And the coughing made me gag. It was horrible!! And of course, I became gripped with fear. What if this is the flu? I spent the day in bed and ate almost nothing. Then in the evening I watched a portion of this thing on TV about the H1N1 outbreak and why people SHOULD take the vaccine when it becomes available. I started to cry. I dont believe in flu shots. Especially now that I am pregnant and have this fear that it will make my baby deformed. Did you hear about this trial med they gave to women my grandma's age when they were pregnant?? Made their babies deformed if they took it.

Why am I telling you all this? I had to get it off my chest. I hate fear, and illness. But I dont want to live in fear. We have a great God who is able to protect me and my baby. I just need to learn to be wise and keep my hands out of my mouth (please slap my hand if you see me biting my nails).



  • Will be praying. It's getting hard for me too to not worry and get scared over it. We are all starting a cold here. Hope it doesn't get much much worst than that.

    Rest and take care!

    Love yoU!

    Jacinthe -xxx-

    By Anonymous Jacinthe, At October 29, 2009 at 9:37 AM  

  • j'ai du aller traduire ton message pour tout comprend mais comme ce que je lisais m'intéressais ça valait la peine. Je sais que tu as surement peut du vaccin de la grippe mais savais-tu qu'il existais des produit naturel pour contrer cette grippe? Je ne sais pas encore comment ça s'apelle ni si tu peux le prendre car je vais l'avoir qu'au début de la semaine prochaine car trop de gens le demande. si ça t'intéresse dis le moi!

    By Blogger Marie-Michelle et Simon, At October 31, 2009 at 12:06 PM  

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