Sensitive Soul

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Why is it that the older we get, the harder the decisions become? Who to marry, what job to take, when to have children, how many children….

These days, I have been pressed to make a hard decision: Do I stay at this new job, or do I go back? And if I stick it out at this new job, how long should I give myself before I know if this is for me or not?

And I had been pushing aside this decision because of fear.

Fear that I was a failure.
Fear that I was not giving it my all.
Fear that I was letting down my colleagues and boss.
Fear that they would see me as a failure.

But most of all, I was just afraid of what everyone around me would think of me.

I forgot to think about what God thought of me.

He does not see me as a failure.
He knows that when I do something, I give it my all.
He knows that I am miserable and that my colleagues and boss will get over it.
He loves me.

So I decided to take a giant leap and speak to my old boss about returning to my old job.

Because when we leap into Gods arms, He will always be there to catch us. And I believe this is a decision God wanted me to make.



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