Sensitive Soul

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

La mémoire

Mon mari a toujours dit qu'il avait besoin de moi et ma mémoire pour ses rendez-vous ainsi que sa liste d'épicerie :) Ca me faisait grandement plaisir de l'entendre dire ceci au gens.

Mais, depuis quelques semaines, j'ai perdu cette mémoire! Je crois que mon bébé l'a prise!! C'est fou comment j'oublie tout. Je peux m'écrire quelque chose sur la main en espérant m'en rappeler, mais cela n'aide pas. Et je suis si gêner!!

Es-ce que vous avez vécu cela aussi?? Es-ce que ca passe ou je dois attendre l'accouchement pour la retrouver cette mémoire?


Friday, November 13, 2009

3 mois

Finalement, je me suis décidé de prendre mes premières photos de la grossesse. Je voulais attendre d'avoir mon 3 mois. Mais je vous dis, la bedaine à commencer à paraître assez rapidement! Je ne fais plus dans la plupart de mes pantalons de travail (ni les jupes bien entendu) et j'ai du changer de brassière.
Oh! Je ne me plains pas!! Ca complique simplement ma garde-robe!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jour du Souvenir

Je dois vous avouer que je ne me souviens pas de grand chose que j'ai apprise dans mes cours d'histoire concernant la guerre. Mon grand-père, ni mon arrière-grand-père n'ont fait parti de la guerre.
Par contre, en me levant ce matin, quelque chose m'est venu à l'esprit:

Si il n'y aurais pas eu de guerre, ni de brave gens qui soient aller à la guerre, le pays dans lequel j'habite ne serais pas libre. Et si mon pays ne serait pas libre, je vivrais bien differement. De plus, je suis certaine que bien des immigrant ne serait pas venu habiter ici. Je pense à la famille de mon beau-frère. Je ne peux pas imaginer qu'il ne fasse pas parti de notre famille!!

Donc, d'un point de vue personnel, je suis reconnaissante d'habiter dans un pays aussi extraordinaire, et surtout, je suis reconnaissante que la famille de Victor soient venu s'installer ici pour qu'il puisse devenir mon beau-frère!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Caramel Brulé Latté

I haven't had any cravings since I found out I was pregnant. Actually, it's been the complete opposite, I dont want to eat anything!

However, yesterday my friend Chantale and I met for hot chocolate at Starbucks. I tried the new Caramel Brulé Latté. Now that is all I can think about!!! I have been comtemplating all morning about whether I should get myself one or not.

I am trying to rationalize with myself that I should only have it once a week. We'll see if I can tough it out.

I have a question for all of you reading my blog... is there a specific cream that I should be using on my belly and that I can use on my torso too?? My skin feels very tight and I thought maybe some cream would help me!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Post Waiting

Finally, the Lord did not ask me to keep waiting too much longer. When I got home from work (and from running to the SPCA to look for the dogs) a man called to say he had seen my poster and had our dogs. I am sure you can all imagine how much I cried!!
The dogs were well taken care of by this little family. They have a 8 or 10 year old boy and he was very kind. They all were.
The man had seen Mia in the middle of the road on Sunday and brought her into his car so she wouldn't get hit by a car. He then saw Sidka on the side of the road so picked him up too. He said he knew they belonged to someone because they are purebreads and because they seemed well taken care of. So he waited to see my posters.

Well, I am thrilled. Adam also! Things seem back to normal for me with my husband back from a long weekend out hunting and the dogs back from an agonizing 3 days!!

So I praise the Lord for His answer to my prayers and for the lessons He has taught me through all of this!!
Thanks for your prayers also!!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I am sure I am not the only one who finds it difficult when God does not answer a prayer right away.
This week has been a real test for me in this area.
The dogs were taken from our home on Sunday afternoon. I dont have a lot of details to share, only that they never leave the yard and go into the street. And I am a good "mother", in that I keep an eye out for them and go outside every few minutes to check on them. But something happened and they are gone! I have been fervently praying for their safe return and putting up posters etc around the neighbourhood and even in Gatineau. But so far, nothing has come up. And I am getting discouraged. Really discouraged.
Those dogs are our babies. We drove hours to pick them up and we have spent countless hours training them and cleaning up after them.
And I can only pray for their safe return. There is nothing left for me to do. And that is discouraging!!
Please pray that my joy returns in the midst of these circumstances.
And of course, for the Lord to answer my plea.
