Sensitive Soul

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Magical World of Disney

Yes, it is truly magical!!

Children awe-struck by the sight of their favorite characters glidding on the ice in front of them, almost close enough to touch.

The look on the faces of Rebecca, Mimi and Tristan... PRICELESS!!

It was my first time seeing a Disney on Ice show, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! So much to see! And we had such amazing seats!

I have decided that Simon needs to familiarize himself with the Disney movies so I will have a new excuse to go next year (LOL)

Until then, THANK YOU to Tanya, Jacinthe and Jonathan for lending me your kids! I really enjoyed sharing the experience with them.


Friday, March 27, 2009

The little joys of life

This is what I would have liked to do today. The sun coming in through my patio door, warming my skin, sending me to dreamland!

Although, I would probably look silly laying on the floor in my kitchen with the cats, soaking up the rays.


Monday, March 23, 2009


I am a stressball.
I worry about what I can control.
I worry about what I can't control.
I worry about other people.
I worry about my pets.
I worry about the fact that I worry too much.

And I'm a Christian, I believe in God, in His promises and in His love for me. I believe He is in control of everything, and yet I worry.

I've realized lately that I worry most when I concentrate on the worrysome things around me. If I look to God and His goodness, those things seem to fade away. It's all about talking myself out of these thoughts and replacing them with the TRUTH. God IS in control, and He knows best. His ways are not my ways, because they are better!!

A friend sent me a passage which has really spoken to my heart on this subject. I've been reading it almost daily, reminding myself that God is listening and that I need to give Him my worries.

Lamentations 3:25-33a (The message)
God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits,
to the woman who diligently seeks.
It's a good thing to quietly hope,
quietly hope for help from God.
It's a good thing when you're young
to stick it out through the hard times.
When life is heavy and hard to take,
go off by yourself. Enter the silence.
Bow in prayer. Don't ask questions:
Wait for hope to appear.
Don't run from trouble. Take it full-face.
The "worst" is never the worst.
Why? Because the Master won't ever walk out
and fail to return.
If He works severely, He also works tenderly.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Guy fun

I couldn't let this one pass... I had to put a few pictures of Josh and Adam and the fun things they did while we were visiting.

This ATV was actually Yellow...

Adam was so dirty!! But he had such a blast!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Le chocolat

Vous pouvez me dire pourquoi notre corps "demande" du chocolat? Pourquoi la simple odeur capte notre attention et nous fait oublier tout le reste??
Moi, c'est aussi comme ca avec le cafe. Je sens un bon cafe et j'oublie tout le reste. Je ne pense qu'a ca, et mon corps s'emble m'en demander!
Aujourd'hui, Josh et Lydia nous ont apporter au mail pres de Canada's Wonderland. C'est le plus gros mail que j'ai vu!! Nous avons vu que le tiers. Nous avons passé plus d'une heure dans un magasin chasse/peche. Beaucoup de belles choses pour Adam.

Puis, nous sommes aller au Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. C'est INCROYABLE! Et sa sentais si bon!!!!!!! Nous avions de la misere a faire notre choix. Finalement, Adam s'est procurer la pomme enrober de chocolat et cerise; Forest Noir, et moi j'ai choisi la pomme enrober de caramel et chocolat scor! MIAM!
Puis, en partant, nous sommes passer a cote d'un petit cafe et mes sens m'ont dit d'arreter. Mon corps me demandait du cafe. Alors je n'ai pus resister! Il etait chaud, et sucré (seulement parce que je met vraiment trop de sucre dans mon cafe) et il etait fini avant d'arriver a la maison :)

P.S. Pardon pour les accents, le clavier que j'utilise n'en a pas!


Friday, March 13, 2009

Sillyness and some serious Shopping

Adam and I left Thursday morning for our trip to Bradford Ontario to see Lydia, Josh and their cutie Isaiah. I am so thankful to be off work and not have to worry about the deadlines and the urgencies. Plus, I dont have to drive, which takes away all the pressure :)
On our way to Bradford we noticed people standing on the overpass near Kingston. They had Canada flags and waved at us as we passed. Maybe I became famous and didn't realize it? So I waved back. Then, at the next overpass, there were more people, so I waved again... and they waved back! And so it went for the next hour. I was thrilled, and coming up with a tone of scenarios as to why these people were on the overpasses. Some were ordinary citizens, others were firemen, policemen and finally military or veterans. As we neared Toronto, people stopped waving when I waved... Bummer, guess I didn't suddenly become a celebrity.

Today, Adam and I went shopping at the oulet mall. I LOVE malls!! Love new shoes and clothes. I guess most women are like that!! And my new favorite shoe store is in this mall; Nine West. They have the funkiest shoes, and I've realized, that's the only funky thing about me, my style in shoes (although I only own one pair of funky shoes because they seem to be more expensive than the regular shoes). I'm thankful my hubby likes to follow me to all these stores, because we did a whole lot of shopping today:)

And tomorrow, we may do more shopping! But I wont tell my husband just yet, because he might not want us to come back to Bradford for a while :) Just kidding! Shopping isn't all we do when we visit Lydz and Josh!! Actually, the boys have gone off to do some four-wheeling!


Friday, March 6, 2009


Have you seen the movie Fireproof??

It has recently come out on DVD and is available to rent in most video stores. This AMAZED me, as this is a Christian movie which very clearly annonces Christ and His sacrifice for us on the cross.

Adam and I watched the movie Fireproof last night with our friends JP & Marie-Eve. It was my sencond time watching it, however it still brings me to question if I am fireproofing my mariage and doing everything I can to be a Godly wife.

I've heard a few stories about people whose marriages were on the rocks and after seeing this movie, made a commitment to work it out. I get goosebumps just hearing what God is doing!! He is at work, and uses anything and anyone to bring about His glory!

What am I doing to bring about His glory?? I may not have the talent or the money to make a movie in order to reach the masses, but God has given me talents. He's placed me in this world to be a light and given me the job I am in to shine for Him.

So, even when I feel discouraged about what I am facing, I need to remember that God is far from being done with me, or those around me. He is working, just not necessarily in the way I would want Him to work.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

First post

I've been thinking of creating a blog for some time now.
What has stopped me? Well, first I thought that I should wait until I have children. Then it was the lack of time. And finally, because I wonder who would want to read what I have to type? Well, I've gotten over all three and as you can see I'm writing my first post.
It's exciting! There is so much I want to say.

I'm sure this will be theraputic for me, typing what I learn on an almost daily basis. I need to remind myself of what God has done for me, and is doing for others. That is why I love blogs. I'm a snoop! I love reading what God is doing in the lives of others, or just what they are doing. So please feel free to snoop on me too :)

And for those of you who dont know me all that well, I am known as the crazy cat lady, because I love my cats way too much! So please bare with me as I create all these posts and pictures about my babies.

Pour tous mes amis qui sont francophone, je vous promet d'écrire en français, ou au moins de traduire mes messages. Mais je dois vous dire que je trouve cela vraiment difficile m'exprimer en français alors merci de votre patience alors que j'écris principalement en anglais.
