Sensitive Soul

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Worry / fear

The start of a New Year often brings us to look back on the year past and to make plans for the year ahead.
Do you have a New Year's resolution?

My colleague asked me that the other day, and I am certain I surprised her with my answer. I said:

I want to work on my fear of illness.

Sound odd? It was for her I am certain. But that is my fear, and it is one that cripples me.

I have to be specific. I am not afraid of all illness, just the stomach flu - throwing up in general.

Why am I sharing this will all of you? So that you will pray for me. I WANT and NEED this to change. I am not happy living with this fear.

But God is good and patient with me. He is presently using the book "The Battlefield of the Mind' my Joyce Mayer as well as His Word, and the Daily bread.
I wanted to share what I read in today's Daily Bread:

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.

That is truth. I know, because that is my daily struggle.


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